Three out of four children are not as secure in their car seat as they should be and crashes are the leading cause of death for children from one to twelve years old according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administation.
Learn the proper way to ensure your child's safety in your vehicle.
We offer ways to ensure the proper installation and usage of your infant and child car seats; all done with our Certified Child Passenger Safety technicians;
Jessica Munger, bsn, rn, cpst and Eric Murfin, cpst.
At our agency the Maternal and Child Health program receives funding from the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program that allows any resident in the state of Missouri to come by appointment and have our technician check their seat(s) for proper installation, correct improper installations and provide the necessary education needed to ensure future safety. Our technician will also verify if the seat(s) are on the recall list, and if so, will provide the necessary information about what to do in the event of a recall.
*Car seat installations and inspections are done by appointment only!
*Car seat installations and inspections are done by appointment only!